Module anchorage.cli
Anchorage CLI
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#!/usr/run/env python37
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2021 Antonio López Rivera <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Anchorage CLI
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
from import print_color
from anchorage.bookmarks import bookmarks, path, load
from anchorage.anchor import anchor_online, anchor_locally
from anchorage.anchor_infrs.infrastructure import init, check_install, read_config
from import shell
from anchorage.anchor_utils.system import operating_system
from anchorage.anchor_utils.aesthetic import newline, title
from PyInquirer import style_from_dict, Token, prompt
except ImportError:
print("PyInquirer import error: prompt-toolkits version != 1.0.14")
print("Installing prompt-toolkit==1.0.14")
shell("pip install prompt-toolkit==1.0.14")
sys.exit("Success! Please run again")
def main():
# Anchorage library CLI.
## 1. Dependency check
- Choice: overwrite config.toml if found
## 2. Browser choice
## 3. Bookmark filter
- Local files
- String match
- Directories
- Bookmark name
- Bookmark URL
- Substring match
- Directories
- Bookmark name
- Bookmark URL
- Regex match
- Directories
- Bookmark name
- Bookmark URL
- *Duplicate URLs are excluded by default*
## 4. Archive choice
- Online
- Skip sites already saved in TIA, or generate current snapshots for all sites in the collection
- Local
- Local archive directory input
## 5. Confirmation
# Title
print('\nWelcome to the')
title("Anchorage cli")
print(" Antonio Lopez Rivera, 2021\n")
# CLI interface look
style = style_from_dict({
Token.QuestionMark: '#E91E63 bold',
Token.Selected: '#673AB7 bold',
Token.Instruction: '', # default
Token.Answer: '#9cdeff bold',
Token.Question: '',
# 1. Dependency check
dp_check = [{
'type': 'confirm',
'name': 'ready',
'message': 'Are you ready to proceed?',
'default': True
if not prompt(dp_check, style=style)['ready']:
print_color("\n ~Operation cancelled\n", "red")
print_color("\n ~Running dependency checks", "white")
shell("pip3 install --upgrade anchorage")
if check_install() == 0:
reset_config = [{
'type': 'confirm',
'name': 'reset',
'message': f'Previous config detected: reset config.toml?',
'default': False,
reset = prompt(reset_config, style=style)['reset']
reset = False
print_color(" ~Everything in order!", "green")
print_color(" ~Edit configuration in ~/.anchorage/config.toml\n", "green")
# 2. Browser choice
cfg = read_config()
brow_choice = [{
'type': 'list',
'name': 'browser',
'message': f'Please choose the browser from which to archive all bookmarks.',
'choices': list(map(lambda s: s.title(), list(cfg.keys()))),
'filter': lambda n: n.lower()
browser = prompt(brow_choice, style=style)['browser']
if cfg[browser][operating_system()] == "?":
print_color(" ~The path to this browser hasn't been set up yet in your configuration file.", "red")
print(f" ~Edit ~/anchorage/config.toml to include the path for your {browser.title()} "
f"bookmarks file and try again.\n")
bmk_dict = load(path(browser))
except FileNotFoundError:
print_color(" ~Error: file not found.", "red")
print_color("\n ~Edit ~/anchorage/config.toml to include the correct bookmark file path "
"for your browser and try again.\n", "red")
# 3. Bookmark filter
# - Local files
# - By string match
# - By substring match
# - By regex match
bk_filt = [{
'type': 'checkbox',
'name': 'drop',
'message': f'If desired, specify which elements to exclude from the archiving process.',
'choices': [
'name': 'Local files'
'name': 'Match string'
'name': 'Match substring'
'name': 'Regex'
'filter': lambda lst: [n.lower() if isinstance(n, str) else n for n in lst]
filter_kind = lambda kind: [{
'type': 'checkbox',
'name': 'kind',
'message': f'Specify targets for {kind} filter.',
'choices': [
'name': 'Directories'
'name': 'Names'
'name': 'URLs'
'filter': lambda lst: [n.lower() if isinstance(n, str) else n for n in lst]
filter_input = lambda terms: prompt([{
'type': 'input',
'name': 'input',
'message': f'Enter a comma-separated list of {terms} to filter out.',
'default': '',
'filter': lambda string: string.split(",")
}], style=style)['input']
filter_regex = lambda terms: prompt([{
'type': 'input',
'name': 'input',
'message': f'Enter regex formula to filter out {terms}.',
'default': ''
}], style=style)['input']
drop_list = prompt(bk_filt, style=style)['drop']
drop_dirs = None
drop_names = None
drop_urls = None
drop_dir_subs = None
drop_name_subs = None
drop_url_subs = None
drop_dir_regex = None
drop_name_regex = None
drop_url_regex = None
if 'match string' in drop_list:
kind = prompt(filter_kind('string'), style=style)['kind']
if 'directories' in kind:
drop_dirs = filter_input('bookmark directory names')
if 'names' in kind:
drop_names = filter_input('bookmark names')
if 'urls' in kind:
drop_urls = filter_input('bookmark URLs')
if 'match substring' in drop_list:
kind = prompt(filter_kind('substring'), style=style)['kind']
if 'directories' in kind:
drop_dir_subs = filter_input('bookmark directory name substrings')
if 'names' in kind:
drop_name_subs = filter_input('bookmark name substrings')
if 'urls' in kind:
drop_url_subs = filter_input('bookmark URL substrings')
if 'regex' in drop_list:
kind = prompt(filter_kind('regex'), style=style)['kind']
if 'directories' in kind:
drop_dir_regex = filter_regex('bookmark directory names')
if 'names' in kind:
drop_name_regex = filter_regex('bookmark names')
if 'urls' in kind:
drop_url_regex = filter_regex('bookmark URLs')
print_color(" ~Applying filters to bookmark collection", "white")
bmk = bookmarks(bmk_dict,
drop_local_files='local files' in drop_list,
n_bookmarks = len(bmk.bookmarks)
n_directories = bmk.n_dirs
print_color(f" ~Done! Found {n_bookmarks} bookmarks in {n_directories} directories.\n", "green")
# 4. Archive choice
archive_choice = [{
'type': 'list',
'name': 'archive',
'message': f'Choose an archiving method.',
'choices': ['Online', 'Local'],
'filter': lambda n: n.split(' ')[0].lower()
archive = prompt(archive_choice, style=style)['archive']
if archive == 'online': # Online archive: save existing entries?
print_color(f" ~By default websites will not be archived if a previous image "
f"exists in The Internet Archive.\n", "white")
ovw_online = [{
'type': 'confirm',
'name': 'overwrite',
'message': 'Save snapshots even if previous ones exist?',
'default': False
overwrite = prompt(ovw_online, style=style)['overwrite']
if overwrite:
print_color(f" ~Current snapshots will be saved for your entire collection. "
f"Expect a runtime of {n_bookmarks*15/3600:.2f} to {n_bookmarks*60/3600:.2f} "
f"hours.\n", "green")
print_color(f" ~Expect a runtime of {n_bookmarks*1.5/3600:.2f} to "
f"{n_bookmarks*3/3600:.2f} hours.\n", "green")
if archive == 'local': # Local archive directory
dir_prompt = [{
'type': 'input',
'name': 'dir',
'message': 'Enter the relative or full path of the archive directory.',
'default': './anchor'
archive_dir = prompt(dir_prompt, style=style)['dir']
# 5. Log level
log_prompt = [{
'type': 'list',
'name': 'loglevel',
'message': 'Enter the relative or full path of the archive directory.',
'choices': [' - Full log output', ' - Progress bar', ' - Suppress all output'],
'filter': lambda choice: {'Full log output' : 0,
'Progress bar' : 20,
'Suppress all output': 50}[choice[4:]]
loglevel = prompt(log_prompt, style=style)['loglevel']
# 6. Confirmation
confirmation = lambda br, nb: [{
'type': 'confirm',
'name': 'go',
'message': 'All set! Proceed to archive your'
+ " " + str(br) + " " + str(nb) + " " +
'bookmark collection?',
'default': True
conf_prompt = confirmation(browser.title(), n_bookmarks)
go = prompt(conf_prompt, style=style)['go']
if go:
if archive == 'online': # Anchor online
elif archive == 'local': # Anchor locally
print_color(" ~Operation cancelled\n", "red")
def main()
Anchorage library CLI.
1. Dependency check
- Choice: overwrite config.toml if found
2. Browser choice
3. Bookmark filter
- Local files - String match - Directories - Bookmark name - Bookmark URL - Substring match - Directories - Bookmark name - Bookmark URL - Regex match - Directories - Bookmark name - Bookmark URL - *Duplicate URLs are excluded by default*
4. Archive choice
- Online - Skip sites already saved in TIA, or generate current snapshots for all sites in the collection - Local - Local archive directory input
5. Confirmation
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def main(): """ # Anchorage library CLI. ## 1. Dependency check - Choice: overwrite config.toml if found ## 2. Browser choice ## 3. Bookmark filter - Local files - String match - Directories - Bookmark name - Bookmark URL - Substring match - Directories - Bookmark name - Bookmark URL - Regex match - Directories - Bookmark name - Bookmark URL - *Duplicate URLs are excluded by default* ## 4. Archive choice - Online - Skip sites already saved in TIA, or generate current snapshots for all sites in the collection - Local - Local archive directory input ## 5. Confirmation """ # Title print('\nWelcome to the') title("Anchorage cli") print(" Antonio Lopez Rivera, 2021\n") # CLI interface look style = style_from_dict({ Token.QuestionMark: '#E91E63 bold', Token.Selected: '#673AB7 bold', Token.Instruction: '', # default Token.Answer: '#9cdeff bold', Token.Question: '', }) """ Dialogue """ # 1. Dependency check dp_check = [{ 'type': 'confirm', 'name': 'ready', 'message': 'Are you ready to proceed?', 'default': True }] if not prompt(dp_check, style=style)['ready']: print_color("\n ~Operation cancelled\n", "red") sys.exit() print_color("\n ~Running dependency checks", "white") shell("pip3 install --upgrade anchorage") if check_install() == 0: print("") reset_config = [{ 'type': 'confirm', 'name': 'reset', 'message': f'Previous config detected: reset config.toml?', 'default': False, }] reset = prompt(reset_config, style=style)['reset'] newline() else: reset = False init(reset) print_color(" ~Everything in order!", "green") print_color(" ~Edit configuration in ~/.anchorage/config.toml\n", "green") # 2. Browser choice cfg = read_config() brow_choice = [{ 'type': 'list', 'name': 'browser', 'message': f'Please choose the browser from which to archive all bookmarks.', 'choices': list(map(lambda s: s.title(), list(cfg.keys()))), 'filter': lambda n: n.lower() }] browser = prompt(brow_choice, style=style)['browser'] newline() if cfg[browser][operating_system()] == "?": print_color(" ~The path to this browser hasn't been set up yet in your configuration file.", "red") print(f" ~Edit ~/anchorage/config.toml to include the path for your {browser.title()} " f"bookmarks file and try again.\n") sys.exit() try: bmk_dict = load(path(browser)) except FileNotFoundError: print_color(" ~Error: file not found.", "red") print_color("\n ~Edit ~/anchorage/config.toml to include the correct bookmark file path " "for your browser and try again.\n", "red") sys.exit() # 3. Bookmark filter # - Local files # - By string match # - By substring match # - By regex match bk_filt = [{ 'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'drop', 'message': f'If desired, specify which elements to exclude from the archiving process.', 'choices': [ { 'name': 'Local files' }, { 'name': 'Match string' }, { 'name': 'Match substring' }, { 'name': 'Regex' }, ], 'filter': lambda lst: [n.lower() if isinstance(n, str) else n for n in lst] }] filter_kind = lambda kind: [{ 'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'kind', 'message': f'Specify targets for {kind} filter.', 'choices': [ { 'name': 'Directories' }, { 'name': 'Names' }, { 'name': 'URLs' }, ], 'filter': lambda lst: [n.lower() if isinstance(n, str) else n for n in lst] }] filter_input = lambda terms: prompt([{ 'type': 'input', 'name': 'input', 'message': f'Enter a comma-separated list of {terms} to filter out.', 'default': '', 'filter': lambda string: string.split(",") }], style=style)['input'] filter_regex = lambda terms: prompt([{ 'type': 'input', 'name': 'input', 'message': f'Enter regex formula to filter out {terms}.', 'default': '' }], style=style)['input'] drop_list = prompt(bk_filt, style=style)['drop'] newline() drop_dirs = None drop_names = None drop_urls = None drop_dir_subs = None drop_name_subs = None drop_url_subs = None drop_dir_regex = None drop_name_regex = None drop_url_regex = None if 'match string' in drop_list: kind = prompt(filter_kind('string'), style=style)['kind'] newline() if 'directories' in kind: drop_dirs = filter_input('bookmark directory names') newline() if 'names' in kind: drop_names = filter_input('bookmark names') newline() if 'urls' in kind: drop_urls = filter_input('bookmark URLs') newline() if 'match substring' in drop_list: kind = prompt(filter_kind('substring'), style=style)['kind'] newline() if 'directories' in kind: drop_dir_subs = filter_input('bookmark directory name substrings') newline() if 'names' in kind: drop_name_subs = filter_input('bookmark name substrings') newline() if 'urls' in kind: drop_url_subs = filter_input('bookmark URL substrings') newline() if 'regex' in drop_list: kind = prompt(filter_kind('regex'), style=style)['kind'] newline() if 'directories' in kind: drop_dir_regex = filter_regex('bookmark directory names') newline() if 'names' in kind: drop_name_regex = filter_regex('bookmark names') newline() if 'urls' in kind: drop_url_regex = filter_regex('bookmark URLs') newline() print_color(" ~Applying filters to bookmark collection", "white") bmk = bookmarks(bmk_dict, drop_local_files='local files' in drop_list, drop_dirs=drop_dirs, drop_names=drop_names, drop_urls=drop_urls, drop_dirs_subs=drop_dir_subs, drop_names_subs=drop_name_subs, drop_urls_subs=drop_url_subs, drop_dirs_regex=drop_dir_regex, drop_names_regex=drop_name_regex, drop_urls_regex=drop_url_regex, ) n_bookmarks = len(bmk.bookmarks) n_directories = bmk.n_dirs print_color(f" ~Done! Found {n_bookmarks} bookmarks in {n_directories} directories.\n", "green") # 4. Archive choice archive_choice = [{ 'type': 'list', 'name': 'archive', 'message': f'Choose an archiving method.', 'choices': ['Online', 'Local'], 'filter': lambda n: n.split(' ')[0].lower() }] archive = prompt(archive_choice, style=style)['archive'] newline() if archive == 'online': # Online archive: save existing entries? print_color(f" ~By default websites will not be archived if a previous image " f"exists in The Internet Archive.\n", "white") ovw_online = [{ 'type': 'confirm', 'name': 'overwrite', 'message': 'Save snapshots even if previous ones exist?', 'default': False }] overwrite = prompt(ovw_online, style=style)['overwrite'] newline() if overwrite: print_color(f" ~Current snapshots will be saved for your entire collection. " f"Expect a runtime of {n_bookmarks*15/3600:.2f} to {n_bookmarks*60/3600:.2f} " f"hours.\n", "green") else: print_color(f" ~Expect a runtime of {n_bookmarks*1.5/3600:.2f} to " f"{n_bookmarks*3/3600:.2f} hours.\n", "green") if archive == 'local': # Local archive directory dir_prompt = [{ 'type': 'input', 'name': 'dir', 'message': 'Enter the relative or full path of the archive directory.', 'default': './anchor' }] archive_dir = prompt(dir_prompt, style=style)['dir'] newline() # 5. Log level log_prompt = [{ 'type': 'list', 'name': 'loglevel', 'message': 'Enter the relative or full path of the archive directory.', 'choices': [' - Full log output', ' - Progress bar', ' - Suppress all output'], 'filter': lambda choice: {'Full log output' : 0, 'Progress bar' : 20, 'Suppress all output': 50}[choice[4:]] }] loglevel = prompt(log_prompt, style=style)['loglevel'] newline() # 6. Confirmation confirmation = lambda br, nb: [{ 'type': 'confirm', 'name': 'go', 'message': 'All set! Proceed to archive your' + " " + str(br) + " " + str(nb) + " " + 'bookmark collection?', 'default': True }] conf_prompt = confirmation(browser.title(), n_bookmarks) go = prompt(conf_prompt, style=style)['go'] newline() if go: if archive == 'online': # Anchor online anchor_online(bmk, overwrite=overwrite, loglevel=loglevel) elif archive == 'local': # Anchor locally anchor_locally(bmk, archive=archive_dir, loglevel=loglevel) else: print_color(" ~Operation cancelled\n", "red")